Faith is trust?

Posted by Pat on July 25, 2021 in Uncategorized |

“Faith” is trusting the process. We know that SOMETHING is making our heart beat right now, our lungs function, the grass grow, and the planets spin. So whether we admit it or not, what we have is FAITH. We have faith that our heart will keep beating and that we’ll wake up tomorrow morning.

We don’t KNOW this; we TRUST it. So we can trust the process and honor it by not overlooking this tremendous faith that we have.

Why is acknowledging our faith so important? Because faith is the antidote to fear. We know that energy flows where attention goes. So if we feed our fears they get bigger, but if we feed our faith, our fears have nothing to eat and eventually die.

So in our battle against fear, let’s change direction. Don’t focus on letting go of fear; focus on increasing our faith and the fear will disappear on its own.

When we trust the process we trust that it’s okay for people to be different from one another, that as much as we don’t like it, there’s a reason for what’s happening in the world, and the opposite of what we know is also true.

Trust. The. Process.

Whether we realize it or not, we already trust process for a lot of things!

For example, take baking cookies. We begin with a recipe. We follow each step and in less than 30 minutes, we can sit down to a plate of warm cookies and a glass of milk. The process, recipe, works every time!

So from the little things to the big things, we already have experience on trusting.

We just need to remember that and trust the process!


  • sandy smith says:

    I love that idea of trusting the process. Sometimes, when we say an affirmative prayer we might say, I may not understand the way that things are happening right now, but I trust the process.

    • Pat Richmond says:

      Sandy, good idea for dealing with not understanding, but trusting anyway, in affirmative prayer!

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